Recap: Raekwon The Chef at The Observatory

Raekwon Live @ The Constellation Room, Santa Ana

Recently our crew linked up with the one and only Raekwon The Chef at The Observatory in Santa Ana. Hit the jump to catch a few shots of the legendary Wu representative show and prove on stage.

It’s no doubt that the savvy vet gives off a certain energy that is undeniable and contagious. Raekwon blesses the stage with raw energy and intensity.  Chef packed the intimate Constellation Room from wall to wall, a definite and welcome scene after the crowd stood through multiple local group opening acts that undoubtedly dragged on too long, which made Raekwon’s presence on the stage that much more exciting.

Raekwon The Chef

Raekwon The Chef

You would think that after two decades of performing, Rae would be burnt out. It was actually quite the opposite. He performed as if he thoroughly enjoyed every moment. Maybe he is still on a high following Wu’s performance at Coachella, or maybe Raekwon is just that great. Either way, I’m not complaining.

Raekwon The Chef



Raekwon The Chef

Raekwon The Chef

Raekwon The Chef

Raekwon The Chef

Staff Writer

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